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Brian A. Peterson of MPshows
interview by: Mike Alfini December 2002

Mike: How long have you been booking shows, and what was the first show you ever booked?

Brian A. Peterson: maybe 13 years if you include house shows, i don't recall, i think the first fireside show i did was maybe QUINCY PUNX, BLANKS 77, MULKITEO FARIES, VBf ??

Mike: Where are you currently booking shows?

Brian A. Peterson: mainly fireside and prodigal son

Mike: What is going on with the closing of the fireside?

Brian A. Peterson: its not, no other info at this time

Mike: Where is your favorite place in Chicago to see shows?

Brian A. Peterson: i like the chicago theater, i have seen nick cave and hall and oats there in the last year

Mike: What are you top 10 favorite Chicago bands of all time?

Brian A. Peterson: 8 bark -trenchmouth - naked raygun - cheer-accident - smoking popes - us maple -scissor girls - gauge - los crudos - friends of betty (alternates are 4 SQUARES and STYX)

Mike: Do you think it's weird that a lot of punk bands are playing over 21shows nowadays?

Brian A. Peterson: no, i think its weird when bands make 21+ shows a priority, avoiding all ages.

Mike: You also book tours for bands what bands are you currently the booking agent for?

Brian A. Peterson: dillinger four

Mike: Do you prefer just setting up shows or being a booking agent?

Brian A. Peterson: setting up shows

Mike: What part of booking shows do you like best, and what part do you like the least?

Brian A. Peterson: best - seeing the progression of music/bands/people/scenes at the ground level least - leaving the fireside answering machine message

Mike: Do you think independent bands in Chicago nowadays expect too much from outside sources for their band, like from labels, booking agents and promoters?

Brian A. Peterson: not sure, i think diy labels, promoters etc are taken for granted by bands and your average show going/ record buying public.

Mike: What things do you think are still important for bands to do for themselves?

Brian A. Peterson: everything if possible

Mike: What labels, bands or anything else besides booking shows have you been part of or involved in?

i helped run skingraft records and have a vinyl label called up jumps the devil, i played in a few bands in my years, here is the full list : SNOOPYS TAPEWORM, STUFF TREATMENT, THEY FELL ASLEEP IN FRONT OF THE TV, SOJOURN, CONTRACIDE, 20 MILES AWAY, INTERNATIONAL HOODWINK, PUNJAB, MY LAI, 7000 DYING RATS.

Mike: If a band wanted to play one of your venues, what would be the best way to go about doing that?

Brian A. Peterson: email me at

Mike: How can people find out about the shows your putting on?

Brian A. Peterson:

Mike: Any last words?

Brian A. Peterson: yes, please start doing shows in your hometown so i don't have to do so many!

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